Sunday, 16 November 2014

A Web Scraper’s Guide to Kimono

Being a frequent reader of Hacker News, I noticed an item on the front page earlier this year which read, “Kimono – Never write a web scraper again.” Although it got a great number of upvotes, the tech junta was quick to note issues, especially if you are a developer who knows how to write scrapers. The biggest concern was a non-intuitive UX, followed by the inability of the first beta version to extract data items from websites as smoothly as the demo video suggested.

I decided to give it a few months before I tested it out, and I finally got the chance to do so recently.

Kimono is a Y-Combinator backed startup trying to do something in a field where others have failed. Kimono is focused on creating APIs for websites which don’t have one, another term would be web scraping. Imagine you have a website which shows some data you would like to dynamically process in your website or application. If the website doesn’t have an API, you can create one using Kimono by extracting the data items from the website.

Is it Legal?

Kimono provides an FAQ section, which says that web scraping from public websites “is 100% legal” as long as you check the robots.txt file to see which URL patterns they have disallowed. However, I would advise you to proceed with caution because some websites can pose a problem.

A robots.txt is a file that gives directions to crawlers (usually of search engines) visiting the website. If a webmaster wants a page to be available on search engines like Google, he would not disallow robots in the robots.txt file. If they’d prefer no one scrapes their content, they’d specifically mention it in their Terms of Service. You should always look at the terms before creating an API through Kimono.

An example of this is Medium. Their robots.txt file doesn’t mention anything about their public posts, but the following quote from their TOS page shows you shouldn’t scrape them (since it involves extracting data from their HTML/CSS).

    For the remainder of the site, you may not duplicate, copy, or reuse any portion of the HTML/CSS, JavaScipt, logos, or visual design elements without express written permission from Medium unless otherwise permitted by law.

If you check the #BuiltWithKimono section of their website, you’d notice a few straightforward applications. For instance, there is a price comparison API, which is built by extracting the prices from product pages on different websites.

Let us move on and see how we can use this service.

What are we about to do?

Let’s try to accomplish a task, while exploring Kimono. The Blog Bowl is a blog directory where you can share and discover blogs. The posts that have been shared by users are available on the feeds page. Let us try to get a list of blog posts from the page.

The simple thought process when scraping the data is parsing the HTML (or searching through it, in simpler terms) and extracting the information we require. In this case, let’s try to get the title of the post, its link, and the blogger’s name and profile page.


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