Friday, 19 December 2014

Extracting Wisdom Teeth Tips

It is believed that due to evolution, our jaws are now smaller than our ancient ancestors'. For this reason, our mouths often do not have adequate room to accommodate the third molars, making them basically useless and in some cases detrimental. Even if they are not impacted, wisdom teeth may be hard to clean, and therefore require removal to reduce the probability of caries and infection.

As part of your routine dental visits, your dentist will likely take X-rays to monitor the development of your third molars. Your dentist will likely recommend removing them as soon as possible to avoid any complications. The extraction of wisdom teeth can sometimes be a costly and daunting procedure; for these reasons many patients delay having them extracted. However, if the impacted teeth become infected, it is important to see your dental professional at once. Symptoms of infection due to impacted wisdom teeth include;

•    Pain in the gums and surrounding areas
•    Red or inflamed gums
•    Tender or bleeding gums
•    Inflammation around the face and jaw
•    Bad breath (halitosis)
•    Frequent headaches

If a single molar needs to be extracted, local anesthetic will be used. In the case where several or all the teeth need extraction, the patient will usually be "put under" using a general anesthetic. If you have an infection or medical complications that put you at a higher than normal risk, the surgery may be performed at a hospital. Extraction of the wisdom teeth is a day surgery, and patients are usually able to return to normal activities in a day or so. You may be prescribed antibiotics prior to the surgery, and you will likely be asked not to eat or drink the night before the surgery.

During the surgery, your dentist makes an incision in the gum tissue covering the tooth. Once the tooth is exposed, the dentist may cut the tooth into smaller pieces to make extraction easier. After the extraction you will be given stitches to mend the gum tissue. You may need to return a few days later to have the stitches removed. You will be monitored after the surgery to ensure that you are not bleeding excessively.

The best time for extraction is when the patient is in their late teens to avoid unnecessary complications. Wisdom teeth extractions performed later in life are still beneficial, but the removal may be more difficult and healing may take longer. Therefore it is wise to have a conversation with your dentist regarding your wisdom teeth as early as possible.

Most people will experience the emergence of their wisdom teeth at some point in their life, and extraction is sometimes necessary as a preventative measure or to fix an actual problem or to prevent problem. It is best to deal with any problems regarding your wisdom teeth as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary difficulties.


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